Sunday, October 30, 2011

Getting back on track

I haven't run much since the Sydney Bridge Run in September. My right foot has been sore, so I decided to give it rest. When that didn't work, I attempted a few runs but never seemed to be able to run more then 1.6K (or 1 mile). I mixed it up with walking, including hill and stair circuits but on Thursday I decided to give running another go. So out I went, along the harbour. The thing with my foot pain is that it doesn't bother me when I'm running, but the calf pain can be horrendous, this run I could push through it and made 5K.


Pace: 7'45''
Distance: 5k
Time: 38'49'' (best time is 38'32'')

Monday, September 19, 2011

Leading up to my first "race"

So what's my training been like since 5th of September (or my last post)? Pretty average actually.

Tuesday 6/9
This was meant to be a morning 10K run, to see how my body handled a morning run (all my long runs have been at night). It didn't go so well and really should have been a sign of things to come. I did better than the last time I did this route, but only because I kept telling myself I had run to X point last time and I had been running more, but I only made it 1K further.

Pace: 7'57''
Distance: 7K
Time: 55'41''

Thursday 8/9
A short run, back in the evening, but still slower than normal (who would have thought!)

Distance: 4.02K
Time: 31'54''

Sunday 11/9
Another kick-ass personal training session

Tuesday 12/9
A short run along Lake Burley Griffin in Canberra, a nice cool breeze to push me along

Pace: 7'42''
Distance: 4K
Time: 30'54''

Sunday 18/9 Race day
It was a warm morning, I thought I was well prepared, but the mental block and going to fast out at the start got to me. See my race report here

Distance: 9K
Time: 1:22:07

Race Report: Sydney Bridge Run

September 2011

Today I was too fat to run. Mixed with the heat, lack of confidence, sore feet and every other excuse under the sun I didn't run the full 9K, but I did run/walk it under the overall time I had planned if i did have to walk so I did ok.

It was a warm day for the Sydney Running Festival. The 9K DH and I were in was the last to go at 9 am (they also had a 4K family run, 1/2 and full marathon).

The 9K is a relatively flat course (3 "hills" which are less than 3% gain in elevation but over 1K long each), which you run over the Sydney Harbour Bridge. It was hot, there was relatively little shade and they ran out of water at the end....

DH was in the A group, finishing at 41'14'', I'm so proud of him.

I on the other hand ended up doing a run/walk. I have been running at night and wasn't prepared for the heat (I have been nauseous all afternoon and I'm guessing its dehydration?). I finished in 82 min, if I had run the whole way it would have been 74 min. In some ways I'm disappointed but my aim was the complete it and finish under 90 min.

I had been worried about the pace car picking me up, but I was NOT the last runner/walker, there were 2,000 people behind me.

My plan from now on is to continue on my weekly 10K runs, with 4-5K runs in between during the week. I have to figure out a way to get around the foot pain and the sore calves first though.

Well done to all and here's to a cooler (but not wet) race in 2012.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Where did the last month go? (A summary)

I knew I had been slack and hadn't posted for a while but I did realise it was back in the beginning of August! So what have I been up to? Am I still on track for my 9 k race in September?

13th August
Off on a training walk. It was classified as difficult and while at moments I could see why, overall I thought it was a moderate walk.

Distance: 5.5K
Time: 1.5 hr
Classification: Difficult

14th August
Our usual personal training session, in a new location due to council law changes.

15th August
After running 16k and walking another 5.5k last week my body sure struggled today. My aim was a 4k run, that did not happen.

What: Walk 12 min; run 1.6k, bike 11 min (5k)
Time: 30 min

20th August
This was meant to be a "long" run, but all I could manage was the 4k along the waterfront

Distance: 4k
Time: 31'14''
Pace: 7'47''

21st August
Another weekly personal training session

23rd August
Finally a real "long" run (well long for me ok?). Finally felt like I achieved something and that I will be able to complete the 9k in September

Distance: 8.5k
Time: 65 min
Pace: 7'43''

26th August
Early personal training session due to going to Brisbane for the Rugby

30th August
Another long run. I'm finding it strange that the longer I run the better my pace, it just doesn't make sense, shouldn't a longer run be slower?

Distance: 9.5k
Time: 73 min
Pace: 7'43''

1st September
A new month, where have the last 8 gone?

Distance: 4k
Time: 31'17''
Pace: 7'48''

4th September
No personal training this week, our trainers at a Ireland (lucky girl), so we tried to create our own.

5 x 90 second fast run with 45 second breaks
10 x squats, 24 x walking lunges, 10 x step up each leg, 1 x 1 min run - repeated 3 x
10 x push ups, 10 x pull ups, 10 time tricep dips, 1 x 1 min run - repeated 3 x

With the 9k race in less than 2 weekends I have some more long run planned this week, a few short 4ks and then 1 personal training session left. Yikes we'll see how I go!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Running in the rain (and getting back on track)

So it would appear that I've been slack in the last few weeks, but in fact I've been sick. Since recovering I've clocked quite a few ks, including a new pace record and a new distance, maybe the enforced break was good for me?

My first run in 15 days, the aim was 7k, but I didn't quite make it.

Distance: 6.12 k
Pace: 7'48''
Time: 47 min 47 sec

Straight back on the horse, the best thing about this run was it made my aching muscles go away. I seem to forget what a good recovery a short run can be

Distance: 4k
Pace: 7'46''
Time: 31 min 10 sec

A bit of a struggle, very bad pains in the side of my calves, had to stop once to tie my shoes and then again near the end to wait for a truck to go at the lights, it was painful and a struggle to start again both times.

Distance: 4k
Pace: 7'49''
Time: 31 min 18 sec

I was anxious about this one. My aim was a minimum of 7k, with the plan to run 4k one way and if I couldn't make the 4k back to walk once I hit 7k total. I made it though. The funny thing is the pain in my calves was bad again up to about 3k, and once I hit 8k I probably could have run another k. To me it doesn't make sense, shouldn't shorter runs be easier?

Distance: 8k
Pace: 7'43''
Time: 61 min 55 sec

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Week and a bit summary

Still on my way to 10k. I entered the Sydney Running Festival 9k today, so good thing I started when I did! I've had a bit of an up and down week exercise wise, but the point it I stuck at it. We'll have to see how the upcoming week goes if the rain plans on sticking around!

Personal training session of cross training, a fair amount of running in this one, and as usual you know you've spent an hour exercising by the end of it!

Terrain: Outdoors, sunny, cool
Time: 60 min

Big training walk, we choose the location based on distance and due to it being classified as a hard walk. In all honestly I would have called it moderate, but maybe my fitness has improved that much?

Terrain: Mixed, multiple climbs
Walk: Killcare to Tallows Beach to Box Head to Killcare
Distance: 10.5 k
Time: 2 hr 20 min
Pace: 13'17''

No personal training today, so we went for a "long" run, which for me involved running 3.3k and then walking. The pain in my calves was just too bad and I was very light headed (need to eat more, more hydration?)

Terrain: Outside, flat, day, sunny but cool
Distance: 3.3k jog, 3 k walk
Time: 50 min (25 min run)
Pace: 7'46'' (run only)

My second attempt at a long run this week, and I made it. It was a struggle for the first 4k and you can tell from my nike log that my pace improved significantly at 4k, personally I think it's because I knew I was on the home stretch!

Terrain: Outside, mainly flat, night run
Distance: 6.5 k
Time: 51 min 25 sec
Pace: 7'54''

Short run night, but it was wet and late so I went on the treadmill. Not a bad pace for the dreadmill.

Terrain: Treadmill, 2% incline
Distance: 4k
Time: 31 min 20 sec
Pace: 7'49''

Not exercise, but signed up for the 9k as part of the Sydney Running festival, basically I did it to keep on track for my 10k training plan and so I can say I ran over the harbour bridge!
Another personal training session, my poor legs!

Monday, July 11, 2011

First Spin/RPM class

So I've been wanting to give one of these classes a go for ages, but being away from home alot and when I'm home commuting for a large chunk of the day it's always been hard to time one. So today I dragged DH along for the ride so to speak, and I have to say it was enjoyable and I can see myself adding this to my weekly routine. I have a feeling my legs will be aching tomorrow, but I need to build up my leg strength so this could be the way to do it. We had a small class and it really is at your own level.